Economic Development (Entrepreneurs, HBBs, VSEs & MSMEs)

Falak Tayyeb has hands-on experience in providing business training/consulting/mentoring services in a variety of fields to clients across different sectors. Over the years, we have built and strengthened our profile in the fields of economic growth and development of micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) working with women entrepreneurs.

Women Economic Empowerment

Falak Tayyeb has an excellent experience in the fields of women economic empowerment and growth and development of women-owned micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) working with women entrepreneurs, women-led enterprises, HBBs and the cooperatives and CSOs that support women to start and expand their businesses.

Civil Society & Local Communities’ Development

Falak Tayyeb has long experience and relevant knowledge, tools, solutions and programs that were designed and customized by Falak Tayyeb staff and experts to suit the needs of the civil society organizations (CSOs), local community-based organizations (CBOs) and cooperatives operating on the national and local levels.

Socio-economic Inclusion & Livelihood Development

Falak Tayyeb has an excellent experience in the fields of socio-economic inclusion and livelihoods’ development through working with local communities’ individual/mediators, civil social and community-based organizations, and the cooperatives that support youth, women and MSEs to start and expand their businesses.

Research & Sustainable Market Systems

Falak Tayyeb has a relevant experience in conducting market research, end-market assessment, market competitiveness analysis, and market matchmaking and linkages for supporting the local communities’ individuals and MSMEs to build their sustainable businesses and market systems. The “Research and Sustainable Market Systems”..

Youth Empowerment

Falak Tayyeb has also a cutting-edge experience in establishing career counseling excellence centers (CCC) for youth in Jordan. Falak Tayyeb has also excellent experience in developing capacity building and career essentials curricula to support skills building of youth and in producing of online career.