Capacity Building
Capacity Building
Capacity Building

Falak Tayyeb has been working with several civil society and community-based organizations and other local communities’ entities (private and public) in Jordan to support them in building their capacity in differect business aspects (technology, process, product, and people) in order to expand their businesses.

Falak Tayyeb has a long experience in working with local MSMEs owners and staff, and with the CSOs, CBOs and BSOs by providing focused capacity building, training and mentoring in the following local growth and livelihoods’ development areas: Marketing Management, Financial Management, Operations Management, Human Resources management, Entrepreneurship & Creative Thinking, Sales & Marketing Skills, Sales Skills, Innovation & Leadership, Supply Chain Management, Operational Excellence, Process Optimization, Marketing and Virtual Marketplace Tools, Digital marketing/market research using online platforms and tools, Market Audit, Export Audit, Formulating the Market Entry Strategy, Export Compliance, Export marketing, and Export Costing.

The capability of Falak Tayyeb in the providing capacity building services could be expressed as follows:

  • Conducting Train-the-Trainer (TTT) capacity program on local growth and export development including the following activities: program design, selection of participants, preparation of training materials, delivery of training.
  • Working directly with the business owners (i.e., designing and conducting capacity building programs, training, coaching and mentoring for the women-owned MSEs).
  • Composing, preparing, adapting and customizing different types of training materials according to the final beneficiaries’ needs and requirements (i.e., business startups, entrepreneurship, business growth, and export capacity building programs).
  • Dealing with women business owners issues including cultural and gender issues (e.g., women Home-based businesses (HBBs) and MSEs in the local communities) through well-designed and customized capacity building programs (i.e., training, coaching and mentoring).
  • Development and implementing leadership training program package, assessment criteria and evaluation tool to develop experience, knowledge and skills of private and governmental sales directors.
  • Supporting and capacity building of refugees’ and locals’ entrepreneurs and startups in Jordan through focused training and mentoring stages until developing viable and bankable business plans.
  • Designing, customizing and delivering capacity building programs for business associations and other local communities’ organizations in Jordan for conducting export readiness audits and export development and promotional activities for different business sectors.
  • Conducting detailed mentoring capacity building program for the MSMEs to secure real export opportunities in the targeted countries.