Career Counselling & Development
Career Counselling & Development
Career Counselling & Development

Falak Tayyeb has hands-on experience in providing business training/consulting/mentoring services in a variety of fields to clients across different sectors. Over the years, we have implemented, built and strengthened our profile in the fields of career guidance and counselling. Falak Tayyeb have excellent experience in developing career essential curricula to support youths’ and womens’ skills building, and in producing online career essential curricula through a learning management system (LMS). Moreover, Falak Tayyeb has also a cutting-edge experience in establishing career counseling centres (CCC).

The capabilities of Falak Tayyeb in providing career counselling and development services could be summarized as follows:

  • Developing of the career essentials interactive training curricula for youth to gain a thorough understanding of the career essentials including career guidance and equipping them with concrete skills that support them to search and find jobs in Jordan through developing a smart and interactive training program to cater for the needs of the different levels of the youth starting from a basic level, then intermediate and advanced level.
  • Developing and hosting of online youth career essentials interactive training curricula in order to enable the youth to access these interactive programs online through PCs, smart phones, and smart devices through a learning management system (LMS) that provide high flexibility in the management of the training process, and provide the youth trainees with the convenience to hold their training at their convenient time.
  • Setting up infrastructure related to the career counselling centers (CCC). This includes advising on design, space requirements, infrastructure, etc., and defining the process for the operations. This also includes providing operating manual, defining job descriptions and performance evaluation mechanism for the staff including roles, responsibilities and KPI’s of each staff member.
  • Providing a comprehensive database of available jobs in Jordan that was tapped into by job seekers.